Thursday, April 30, 2009

During the Easter break we took a trip to
Hunedoara, Romania. We visited the castle there.
We were able to walk through the castle seeing
how people lived.

The kids enjoyed playing outside the castle
among the ruins.

The kids also enjoyed the playground.

After visiting our friends in Hunedoara we returned to Bistrita
for a wonderful Easter service Sunday morning.
New Beginnings is still in need of house parents
for the one family center. Sebi is fitting into our family
well. He went to Hunedoara with us and had a wonderful
Unirea family center is doing great, they are all looking
forward to the summer and no school. The parents are
doing great and are planning on taking their vacation in
July and then are planning on taking the rest of it in September.
The Targoviste Family Center is doing well. The kids are
taking some spanish classes to learn spanish. I visited with
them and they all were practicing the spanish they knew with
me. It was a joy to see them and hear them speak spanish, romanian,
and a few words of English.
My dell laptop is needs to be replaced soon. I fear that it will not
last too much longer. I would like to purchase a macbook pro along
with a minimac (for you pc'ers out there, a minimac is a mini desktop,
and a macbookpro is a laptop). :-) The minimac would be for the house,
or more accurately, faith. The macbookpro would be for me (and faith) to
use. I would love to switch to mac.
We also are praying about a larger vehicle. The ministry vehicle is no
longer fitting our needs. We have six people now and the ministry
vehicle only has five seatbelts.
I, Chris, will be travelling to Austria in the beginning of June. And a week
later we will be travelling to Hungary for the leadership conference. Please be
in prayer for our travells.
Thank you so much to all who support us through prayer and financially. We pray that the Lord would bless you, and thank Him for you daily. We are serving the Lord together, and it is important to remember that we each have our special part that the Lord has called us to do. Thank you so much.
If you wish to support us through financial contributions you may do so by sending a check to: Calvary Chapel Boise
123 Auto Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Please make checks payable to: Chapel Missions Romania
On a sticky note or separate paper please be sure to put for Chris and Faith Anderson
This is very important as there is another Anderson working in Romania.

Serving in Christ Together,
Chris, Faith, Levi, and Chloe Anderson