Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August Concert in Bistrita

Here are some pics of the concert that took place in Bistrita, Romania.
Team members worship before the concert
Phil Wickham performing
Sing unto the Lord a new song

Playing bass

Jeff Anderson- And what instrument is that?

Brian Fouts and Translator

And for those that did not know that we had a concert.
A team of twenty five came to Romania and put on a concert. The team first stopped in England before making thier way here. But first, they performed in Brasov.
We were able to rent the Cultural Center here in Bistrita for the concert.
Approximately 300 people showed up to the concert. The romanians enjoyed the music and fellowship.

Because of the concert we have had two come to church.
I pray that others were touched with the message of the Gospel.

Pray for the youth camp that is taking place right now, and the kids camp that will take place the second half of the week.
Pray that God will use this time to touch the life of the kids. Pray for the volunteers to be a testimony to the kids that come to the camp.

Praise: For the family center that is opening in Jimbolia-we may have some house parents.
Pray: In sept I will be traveling to Jimbolia (12 hour drive) to meet with a couple who want to be house parents. May we have a safe trip. Also will meet with the pastor of a church that wants to be involved in the family center.
Pray: still in need of one couple for house parents in Targoviste.