Thursday, May 31, 2007

What Happened in May

Our living room carpet was moldy, dirty, and ugly. The vacuums here are not as good as they are in the USA. Even after vacuuming you can see the dirt. The stains on the carpet seem to grow larger with each day. In order to clean it you have to take the carpet up and scrub it with soap and a brush. Then hang it out to dry. This has to be done once a month in order to keep it clean. We decided to go with hard wood laminate flooring.

The floor under the carpet was not much better.
After a day of running around trying to find a finishing blade for the saw, we finally started. The missionary pastor, Brian, and I finished the floor in about 6 hours. Not bad for the first time.

This is the end result of our hard work.
Not only is this our living room, but the guest bedroom. Our first guest to stay with us is my sister Jennifer. She stopped over on her way back from a missions trip to Kiev, Ukraine. While here Faith, along with Natalie, have taken Jennifer to the children's hospital to visit the kids. She has gone to the orphanage as well as to The Open Doors Ministry to gypsy children. She has been enjoying her time here. It has been a joy having her stay with us.
Thank you for all your prayers.
Please pray for one of the boys that we have in placement. He is having a lot of emotional problems. Pray for wisdom on how to deal with this situation.
We have had a couple quit being house parents. We now have to find two sets of house parents. One set for an existing house, and then one for a new home we are opening in Jimbolia.
Pray for wisdom for the house parents we currently have. Give them wisdom and strength to deal with the kids each day. Wisdom on how to raise the kids.
Pray for me that I would have wisdom on dealing with the house parents and the ministry as a whole.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Each and everyone of you are an encouragement to us.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Romanian National Conference 2007

Cine este Isus? (Who is Jesus?)This was the theme of the Romanian National Conference 2007 held in central Romania. The theme verse was found in Matthew 16:15- "Who do you say I am?"
There were two main speakers from America that shared their hearts with us. Ken Sutton has been a pastor with Calvary Chapel for thirteen years in Romania, England, Washington State, and currently he is an assistant pastor in Costa Mesa. Ken asked five questions he saw from Matthew 16:12-18. Bob Caldwell also spoke to us. He has been the pastor of Calvary Chapel, Boise for the last 25 years. The ministry has grown and expanded both locally and internationally to reach many for Christ. His main sessions were on the love of God for the Church. This is Jesus- to love. To love because He first loved us. It is not what I have to do to be good, or to earn his love. Take a few moments and read through the Gospels and you will see Jesus is love.

The worship was refreshing and heartfelt. How great it is to be able to worship anywhere, and in any language.
The days were warm and the evening thunderstorms cooled off the warmth to leave a refreshing coolness.

All the kids at the conference loved bouncing on the trampoline, and playing on the playground.

We would gather in the cafeteria for meals. Breakfast and supper were about the same, bread, cheese, sandwich meat, butter or jam, and coffee or tea to drink. The main meal was served at lunch. Beginning with a soup before we moved on to the rest of the meal. A few things that we had were mashed potatoes, chicken, snitzel, and porc. The food was great.

We came away from the conference refreshed and yearning to fall more in love with Jesus.
On the drive home, Chloe was car sick. My driving, plus the bumpy roads and traffic contributed to her being sick. As soon as we got home she was better. It was good to be home in our own beds again.
More updates on the way.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

April 2007 Newsletter

Anderson’s Newsletter
Bistrița, Romania
April 2007

Dear Friends and Family,
We have been in Romania now barely over a month, and have already been very busy. Our time here though has never been dull and has been very exciting. The mold in our apartment is almost completely cleaned up, and we have finally figured out how the washing machine works. No more problems with flooding the laundry room.
Since we have been here we have all been sick with severe head colds at one time or another. Levi who has been the sickest with a high fever that lasted a week is now finally better. Let’s focus our attention however on the more excited things. This month we celebrated our Lord’s resurrection, what a joy and privilege to have been able to celebrate in another country. Levi started kindergarten. Some days he likes it and others he doesn’t. Chloe had her 2nd birthday which was a real thrill, but also reminded me how fast our kids are growing up. The kids and I have finally managed to get the ladies at our corner store to smile, and we met some of our neighbors. The cutest thing was when Levi gave the two ladies one flower each. What a blessing to see the smiles on their faces, and Levi was blessed with a huge hug and kiss.
Chris has been very busy getting to know the house parents and children of each family center. He also traveled to Jimbolia where he got to see the new

family center that will be opening soon. That was very exciting for all of us. The kids and I wanted to travel with, but it
was a 12 hour drive one way and would have just been too much on the kids. We so enjoyed looking at the pictures when he returned. Soon we will have kids in there and a set of house parents to raise them in. The house was provided to us by The Bridge Foundation and is a huge blessing from our Lord. Please keep this family center in your prayers. Pray for the children that the Lord will place in the center, and also for the House Parents that He is raising up to love them and nurture them with Jesus’ love. Chapel missions will also soon need a church plant there so please pray for the person God will lead to start His church in Jimbolia.
We are very pleased that each one of you could come along side of us in this ministry. Thank you so much for all of your prayers, and support. We look forward to being able to share with you each month what God is doing in the ministry here. Not only with New Beginnings, but also the ministry he has given us in the block in which we live. It is also such a blessing to hear from each of you so thank you for all of the emails we have received.
Many of you ask for prayer requests each time we speak so here is just a short list of things you can be praying for: Levi to adjust to school and make friends, our health, wisdom for Chris in all decisions made for New Beginnings, the two ladies that work at the corner store that God would open their hearts, language learning so we would be able to talk to more people in our building, and God’s guidance in all that we say and do, we want Him to receive all glory and honor.
If you wish to help by supporting us financially you may do so on a monthly or one time basis by sending a check to Calvary Chapel of Boise:
123 Auto Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Please make all checks out to Chapel Missions Romania and in the memo section write for Chris and Faith Anderson.

Serving Together in Christ,
Chris, Faith, Levi, and Chloe Anderson

New house in Jimbolia

Targoviste family center meal time

Levi with the kids at Targoviste Family Center
Levi and Chloe on Easter Sunday

Levi’s first day of school