Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas 2007

Wow, what a Christmas! The Lord has blessed us with so many friends and family who have went out of their way to make this Christmas memorable for not only our family, but the family centers. Since this is Our first Christmas in Romania we were not really sure what to expect. We wanted to put on a Christmas party for the family centers, but did not know where to get anything for a party that size. The Bingham-Shull Sunday school class from Trinity Baptist Church not only wanted to help us give the children in the family centers a wonderful Christmas, but us as well. What a blessing they have been. The kids really enjoyed seeing the picture of the Sunday school class that sent so much.

Calvary Chapel Lebanon, a church we do not even know, contacted Brian Fouts, the Missionary Pastor of Calvary Chapel Bistrita, and asked if they could send some gifts for the kids as well. Wow, what an awesome Christmas each and everyone of you each were involved in.

After everyone arrived we thanked everyone for coming, and announced that the gifts just had to wait until the end to be opened. :-) First we would read the Story of Jesus' birth from Luke, then we would sing some songs and have a few snacks....and then, finally, the gifts. All the kids waited til everyone received their presents before beginning to open them.

At the end of the night everyone was overwhelmed with joy, even the houseparents (especially the new set of houseparents that started December 1).

Our personal Christmas
was so relaxing and fun. We all thank you so much for making this a perfect Christmas. Chloe loves her dolls, and because she has baby dolls, they needed a bed to sleep in before they kicked her out of hers (or at least before she tries to use that excuse). A couple days before Christmas we began reading the Christmas story from Luke starting from Luke one and so when Christmas morning arrived we would be on the birth of Christ. Christmas eve we each opened one gift. We each took our turn opening the gift while everyone else watched to see what we received and to enjoy it with us. Then we all slept in the living room until Christmas morning. Chloe gave up and asked to sleep in her bed about 945pm. Christmas morning was an early morning. But before we could open gifts we had breakfast first. Homemade pancakes with homemade syrup. After the dishes were done we finally sat down to open our gifts. Starting with the youngest and working our way up to me. Each one getting one gift and opening it as everyone else anticipates and waits.

The last two gifts for Chloe and Levi were their big gifts. Levi received a bicycle and Chloe a baby cradle for her babies. Faith knew what Chloe was getting but was not allowed to see it until it was uncovered on Christmas morning. Chloe loved it. Immediately the babies had to take a nap.

Thank you to each and everyone of you for making this an awesome Christmas.

Thank you so much to all who support us through prayer and financially. We pray that the Lord would bless you, and thank Him for you daily. We are serving the Lord together, and it is important to remember that we each have our special part that the Lord has called us to do. Thank you so much.
If you wish to support us through financial contributions you may do so by sending a check to: Calvary Chapel Boise
123 Auto Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Please make checks payable to: Chapel Missions Romania
On a sticky note or separate paper please be sure to put for Chris and Faith Anderson
This is very important as there is another Anderson working in Romania.

Serving in Christ Together,
Chris, Faith, Levi, and Chloe Anderson

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Month of December so Far

At the end of November we had a farewell pizza party to one of our house parents. They will be deeply missed, especially by the kids in the family center. It was a nice farewell with lots of hugs and kisses from the kids. The Lord has provided a new set of house parents all ready which started on December 1st. Please pray the the new parents and the kids during this time of change and transition.

We had a picture done up of all the kids in their family center for them to keep with them in their new house. The kids also made cards for them telling them how much they loved them and would miss them.

Also we had another girls night out at the ministry house this time. The girls had a blast baking cookies and watching a movie.

"The cookies are delicious but our mouths are full so we cannot smile right now."

Levi's Birthday
Levi has turned five years old. Here are some pics from the party.

spiderman and superman.

mom, chloe and the birthday boy!

Winky the clown even came!

Happy Birthday to you....Levi.

Thank you so much to all who support us through prayer and financially. We pray that the Lord would bless you, and thank Him for you daily. We are serving the Lord together, and it is important to remember that we each have our special part that the Lord has called us to do. Thank you so much.
If you wish to support us through financial contributions you may do so by sending a check to: Calvary Chapel Boise
123 Auto Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Please make checks payable to: Chapel Missions Romania
On a sticky note or separate paper please be sure to put for Chris and Faith Anderson
This is very important as there is another Anderson working in Romania.

Serving in Christ Together,
Chris, Faith, Levi, and Chloe Anderson

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our fall newsletter, click on the pic to read it.

Sorry about the pics, i do not know why they are colored this way. if you would like a printable copy of this newsletter please leave a comment (and email if i do not have your email address.)

Thank you so much to all who support us through prayer and financially. We pray that the Lord would bless you, and thank Him for you daily. We are serving the Lord together, and it is important to remember that we each have our special part that the Lord has called us to do. Thank you so much.
If you wish to support us through financial contributions you may do so by sending a check to: Calvary Chapel Boise
123 Auto Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Please make checks payable to: Chapel Missions Romania
On a sticky note or separate paper please be sure to put for Chris and Faith Anderson
This is very important as there is another Anderson working in Romania.

Serving in Christ Together,
Chris, Faith, Levi, and Chloe Anderson

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Boys night out

Faith and the girls from the family centers had a quiet evening of movies and popcorn. So why not have a boys night with movies and popcorn and outdo the girls with pizza. The boys had so much fun. I do not think that they watched any of the movie. They were too excited playing with everyone and everything. To see the excitement from just coming over and having popcorn and pizza at our house, what a blast. They were so excited from the moment we told them, to the next morning after the night out. We tried a puzzle but only one was interested for a minute, then off to play with something else. The kids has so much fun, even if it was not as quiet as the girls night. :-).

We also had our first real snow of the year.

Thank you so much to all who support us through prayer and financially. We pray that the Lord would bless you, and thank Him for you daily. We are serving the Lord together, and it is important to remember that we each have our special part that the Lord has called us to do. Thank you so much.
If you wish to support us through financial contributions you may do so by sending a check to: Calvary Chapel Boise
123 Auto Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Please make checks payable to: Chapel Missions Romania
On a sticky note or separate paper please be sure to put for Chris and Faith Anderson
This is very important as there is another Anderson working in Romania.

Serving in Christ Together,
Chris, Faith, Levi, and Chloe Anderson

Friday, November 9, 2007

Prayer Request Update

We are looking for a Romanian Christian couple to become houseparents for the Unirea Family center. I have interviewed a couple. My first impressions of them were very good. I am praying for God to confirm that this is the couple that God wants in this position. Pray with me as i will be making a decision in the near future.

Thank you so much to all who support us through prayer and financially. We pray that the Lord would bless you, and thank Him for you daily. We are serving the Lord together, and it is important to remember that we each have our special part that the Lord has called us to do. Thank you so much.
If you wish to support us through financial contributions you may do so by sending a check to: Calvary Chapel Boise
123 Auto Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Please make checks payable to: Chapel Missions Romania
On a sticky note or separate paper please be sure to put for Chris and Faith Anderson
This is very important as there is another Anderson working in Romania.

Serving in Christ Together,
Chris, Faith, Levi, and Chloe Anderson

Friday, November 2, 2007

Anderson Family Update

We would just like to take a moment and share with you a few prayer requests. We are doing well for the most part; we have been battling severe head colds, pink eye, and the stomach bug for about a month now.
The house parents have been able to move into the house in Jimbolia, but still a little work to be done before kids can arrive. We also have had a missionary couple come from Garden Valley, ID to assist in any way they can to help get the family center started, and to help out after that as well.
Here in Bistrita the Unirea house parents will be leaving in December. No bad terms, just felt like after 3 yrs that it was time for them to move on. So we will now be looking for new house parents here in Bistrita as well. Church has been packed the last few Sundays which is always a blessing.

Specific prayer request:

1. For our health that we will stay well now.

2. Wisdom for Chris in finding new Christian house parents.

3. That the work on the house in Jimbolia and the needs there (beds, mattresses, bedding, etc.) will be completed and met quickly so that we can start receiving kids into the home.

4. All the legal paper work to be done to get the family center in Jimbolia will be completed quickly and with no problems.

5. That the kids and the other visitors we have been having at church will come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

6. Finances for New Beginnings as the support has been down.

Thank you so much to all of you who support us through prayer and finances. You are such a blessing to us and we appreciate you so much.

Serving Christ Together,

Chris, Faith, Levi, and Chloe Anderson

Thank you so much to all who support us through prayers and finances. We pray that the Lord would bless you, and thank Him for you daily. We are serving the Lord together, and it is important to remember that we each have our special part that the Lord has called us to do. Thank you so much.
If you wish to support us through financial contributions you may do so by sending a check to: Calvary Chapel Boise
123 Auto Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Please make checks payable to: Chapel Missions Romania
On a sticky note or separate paper please be sure to put for Chris and Faith Anderson
This is very important as there is another Anderson working in Romania.

Serving in Christ Together,
Chris, Faith, Levi, and Chloe Anderson

Saturday, October 6, 2007

September update

It has been some time since i last posted an update. Where should i start. I have been travelling all over Romania. We are openning a new family center in Jimbolia, Romania. This is located on the western side of Romania. There is a christian organization there that we are working with. They come along other Christian organizations and help. They have helped us by providing a huge house for the family center.There is a little work to do on the yard, but the house is ready for kids. We have hired Bogdan and Magdaline as houseparents. They have one daughter who is one and a half years old. They are excited and nervous about this new step in thier lives. They believe this is what God wants them to do. They will be moving into the house this next week.

We have a retired pastor and his wife moving to Jimbolia to help out at the family center. The family center has a small apartment attached to the back of the home.

Mihai is growing like a weed. He is finally sitting up on his own. He has his first two teeth that has made him very fussy. He enjoys playing with our dog, Tody.

We just bought a high chair for him. He enjoys sitting with us at the table. Faith gave him a Biscuit to eat all by himself. He enjoyed it immensely, even if he got more of it on his face than in his mouth.

Levi has been back in kindergarden. He enjoys playing with the other kids and making new friends. Chloe can start now even though she is not three. We just have to get her medical form signed and then she can start going. She has been asking to go with Levi. She thinks she is ready, but as far as faith being ready for her to go....:-)

The kids from the Marcus family center went with us to the zoo. We all had a great time seeing the animals and having fun. We even stopped at McDonalds afterwards, and what a treat that was. Here are some pics from the zoo trip.

Kids playing on the statue.

What a face!

Feeding the miniature horses.

Mihai eating at the zoo.

The Leopard.

I'm too cool.

Standing bear.

Will you please feed us?



Levi on the statue.

Lunch time, would you like to join me?

Monkey cage. So who is the monkey?

Thank you so much to all who support us through prayer and financially. We pray that the Lord would bless you, and thank Him for you daily. We are serving the Lord together, and it is important to remember that we each have our special part that the Lord has called us to do. Thank you so much.
If you wish to support us through financial contributions you may do so by sending a check to: Calvary Chapel Boise
123 Auto Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Please make checks payable to: Chapel Missions Romania
On a sticky note or separate paper please be sure to put for Chris and Faith Anderson
This is very important as there is another Anderson working in Romania.

Serving in Christ Together,
Chris, Faith, Levi, and Chloe Anderson